Presentation Evaluation Criteria
We will ask ourselves the following questions as we evaluate the rhetorical appropriateness of your presentation:
- Do you make moves in your presentation to establish your authority to speak on the subject you are addressing?
- Do you build a compelling ethos in terms of your character—your connection to your audience?
- Do you build an ethos of professionalism and competence through your manner of speech, appearance, movement, use of supplements, use of technology, etc.?
- Do you meet the basic requirements of the presentation assignment? Do you respect the time restraints of the presentation (not less than 5 minutes, no more than 10 minutes)? Is your presentation on-topic and appropriate in scope given your audience? Do you explain thoroughly your philosophy of leadership?
- Is your presentation clear in its purpose, and does it work effectively toward achieving that purpose?
- Do you adopt a clear stance? Is your stance sophisticated? Is it original, not generic or cliché?
- Is your stance on leadership personal, but still explained in a way that is relevant to your audience?
- Is your stance backed by supported claims? Are your claims supported in a way that will be compelling to your audience?
- Is your ethos and purpose, as outlined in the previous sections, entirely appropriate to your audience?
- Are you clearly mindful of the presence of the audience during your presentation? Are you prepared to interact with your audience (say, if there are questions after your presentation)?